Our family moved to Riida in the winter of 1987. The house was bought by the painter, theatre designer and a yachtsman Vello Tamm. Immediately after moving, we started having many guests, as it was an exotic and remote place. Friends and their acquaintances, who soon became our friends. Unfortunately, Vello Tamm passed away in 1991, the family encountered some difficult times and there was a pause in farming.
The new host Tiit brought a new lease of life. In his leadership, the new buildings emerged, and in 1993, we hosted the first Riida Tourism Farm guests.
Over the years, with assistance of many friends, we manage to achieve a multiple time consuming farm jobs throughout the year. During the spring, working in the cow pen is always fun regardless of the weather. The most humour tends to when the people are handling the manure.
hostess Ülle